2” Dichroic Full Spectrum Niobium with Dicrohic and Full Spectrum
The Most Recent Niobium Pieces are Very Rich in Color~ The New Discs are Steller!
NEW Lakhovsky MWO antennae Secret Weapon Talisman
Very Intriguing Energy with the addition of these Antenna Pieces!
We think You will be Pleased!
Dichroic Takes One quickly into the Spiritual Light to access Deep Meditation~ It is know to Keep you intune to the Moon~ Is a Hormonal Balancer~ A womb Healer
Amplified Healing to Activate the Lightbody and bring one into alignment within the Divine Axis Tube of Light connecting One Quickly and Gently to the Higher,Higher, Higher Self while being Grounded into the Heart of Pachamama (Sophia) making it easier to release Emotional, pastlife, sexual and/or love traumas. Spinning the source of Dis-Ease from the Bio-Human Field.
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